Irises, The Rainbow in The Garden


While sitting with another mom on a coach bus two days ago, who was also chaperoning our childrens’ class on a school trip, I showed her my blog and photographs. She said,”You must love flowers a lot” and I thought,”What’s not to love about flowers?” They are a feast for our eyes. From a miniscule ones that grow wild, to the big ones that only found in a jungle. Flowers are the perfect decorations for any occasion. They’re the perfect touch of nature, and among the many kinds of flowers I’ve seen at Elizabeth Park, in Hartford, Irises were there in many exuberant colors. We visited the park two weeks ago and I was glad that the park was in full bloom. Like rainbow in the garden, Irises in yellow, pink, purple, and the color mix that so muddled, you won’t find that sort of colors in a color dictionary. They’re simply fabulous!

“The Amen of nature is always a flower.”

-Oliver Wendell Holmes-


(P.S. If you happen to pass by Hartford, Connecticut, come by the Elizabeth Park. You will find this park as a good place to unwind and feast your eyes.)







Hemstitched Iris







8 Comments Add yours

  1. Nana says:

    W.O.W…..ternyata Iris itu macam2 ya bentuk bunganya. Di indonesia cm ketemu yg warna kecil tp kecil2 bunganya.

    1. Di' says:

      Oh, di Indonesia ada bunga Iris, Na? Aku kok belum pernah lihat sih. Yang aku tahu Kana.

      1. Nana says:

        Ada Dian dan beda dg bunga kana….waktu di rmh cibinong dulu aku pernah tanam…daunnya sama spt itu cuma bunganya kecil2 warna kuning. Nanti kapan2 klo aku nemu aku fotoin yaaa…

      2. Di' says:

        Boleh Na, penasaran yg macam apa jenis Irisnya. Thanks ya.

  2. Thata says:

    Ampuuun bagus2 bangeeet.

    1. Di' says:

      Macam2nya banyak mbak Thata. Saya paling suka yang putih & ungu yang bergelombang kelopaknya. Anggun kesannya.

  3. pingkanrizkiarto says:

    ya ampuuuun… cakep-cakep beneeeeer…. bisa numbuh gak ya di Bekasi ? hihihi…
    ini kalau nanam dari umbi ya Dian ?

    1. Di' says:

      Lebih mirip kayak bawang, mbak Pingkan. Bukan umbi kayak ubi gitu. Iris juga beranak umbinya. Perlu suhu dingin buat umbinya, mbak. Kadang dia suka diam aja atau dormant, nggak berbunga.

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